Who We Are
We are a christian, evangelical, reformed church. We believe in Bible as sole model of faith and life, and that only through Christ men can reach salvation. Our church is historical, daughter of the Protestant Reformation, and it is a Calvinist Church. Our confessional document is the Westminster Confession of Faith: it encloses all of our main doctrinary beliefs.
Our Purpose
Our community has the purpose of spreading Jesus Christ's Gospel. Our wish is to know God better through a deep study of the Bible and its message. Our community welcomes anyone who is looking to develop his christian spirituality. We aim to bring people closer to Jesus, guide God's children through discipleship and spiritual maturity, and encourage every believer to repent and become a faithful witness.
As a Presbyterian Church, we follow the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Our Beliefs
1. God. There is only one God, that exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is unchanging in His holiness, righteousness, wiseness and love. He is the Almighty Creator, , Saviour and Judge, that supports and rules everything according to His supreme will, for His own glory.
2. Bible. God revealed Himself in the Scripture, that consists in Old and New Testament. Its every word was inspired by God. It is entirely the Word of God, it has no error and it is completely trustworthy in facts and doctrines. Only Bible has the final authority ovder everything, and is sufficient in every situation.
3. Humanity. Every man and woman, created in the image of God, have dignity and value. Their main purpose is respecting, worshipping and loving God. As a result of Adam and Eve's fall, every aspect of the human nature was corrupted, and every man and woman are spiritually death, they are sinners and hostile to God. Every person deserves the rightful condemnation of God, and needs to be born again in order to receive forgiveness and reconcile with Him.
4. Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, he was born from a virgin's body, he lived a sinless life, ever-obeying to God. He taught with authority and His every word is Truth. He died on the cross in order to save the sinners, receiving God's punishment for their sin, redeeming them through His blood. He rose the third day and he ascended to God's right. He intercedes for His people at the Father's presence.
5. Salvation. The salvation is uniquely and completely a work of God's grace, it cannot be deserved or gained. It was fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ and it is offered to every believer in His Gospel. God, in His love, forgives the sinners that He calls, and accepts their repentance and faith. Every person chosen for eternal life, who believes in Christ, is justified only through faith, adopted into God's family and is given eternal life.
6. Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent from Heaven to glorify Jesus and to apply His redemption. He condemns sinners, gives spiritual life and permits a true comprehension of the Scripture. He fills every believer, gives them certainty of salvation and allows them to grow similar to Jesus. He edifies the church and gives the believers the means to worship and serve.
7. Church. The universal (catholic) Church is the body of which Christ is the Head, and encloses every saved person. This Church is made visible in the form of local churches, that are congregations of believers bonded by fellowship in God's worship, characterized by the preching of the Word, the administration of Baptism and Holy Supper (Sacraments), the discipline and evangelization. The unity of Christ's Body is expressed by the churches, and by the love, care and encouragment between churches. The real fellowship between churches only exists if they are faithful to God's Word.
8. Baptism and Holy Supper. The baptism and the Lord's Supper were given to Christ's churches as a visible sign of the Gospel. The baptism is a sign of the union between the believer and Christ, and of his belonging to the church. It doesn't give salvation or spiritual life. It is administered to believers who profess a real faith in Christ and the desidre to obey God. The Presbyterian Church also baptizes the children of one or two believing parents. The Lord's Supper is a commemoration of Christ's sacrifice, and it does not imply any kind of transformation of bread and wine. Every blessing is received through faith.
9. Future. Our Lord Jesus Christ will return in all of His glory. He will rise the dead and judge the world in righteousness. The evil will be sent to an eternal punishment, and the righteous will receive an eternal, joyful life in the presence of God. God will make evrything anew and will be forever glorified.